About Us

What is the The Best Pro Cooking blog , and what does it offer of food recipes?

Recipes and kat website is a website that specializes in food recipes.

On the Recipes, we offer recipes for savory and sweet foods.

It is a site that talks about food in all its forms, including main dishes, meat, chicken, fish, casseroles, and pastries of all kinds.

Also on the Recipes and The cooking blog website, you will find recipes for salads, appetizers, and soups.

You will find recipes for all kinds of sweets that you want to try and present to your loved ones and friends. From traditional oriental sweets to innovative and different western sweets, you will find all of this in recipes and katkat.

However, the desserts section of the Recipes and The cooking blog website will be very distinguished only because it is my personal favorite.

My passion for everything that is from the kitchen, but sweets have a special place for me personally. So I promise you that you will find something different in this section.


Also on the Recipes and The cooking blog website, I, as a mother, know very well how much every mother like me cares about the meals she should provide for her children.

Therefore, on my site, I will renew a section that specializes in children’s meals appropriate for their age, which they need for their healthy growth. Also, as a mother, I know very well the extent of the mother’s suffering in feeding the children. Therefore, I take into account well the importance of children’s meals being appetizing and attractive, and it has been proven that children love them. And also it will be varied to suit every taste.


My story with recipes and Cooking site

About 5 years ago, my passion for everything related to the kitchen began. Like any girl, I did not care much about the world of the kitchen before marriage.

But after marriage, the responsibility of the house, including preparing food every day, became one of my duties. So I started to get interested in the kitchen world and watch TV channels, just to prepare delicious dishes for my husband and my daughter later.


But the thing that increased my passion is that my husband, and everyone who tasted my food, including friends and relatives, made me feel that my food was very special. So my passion for food types and recipes began to increase. And I started trying a lot of recipes. Some of them have become our favorite recipes and I prepare them continuously, and some of them were not to our taste, and some of them were modified more than 4 or 5 times until I got the expected taste.


In the end, after more than 5 years of research, experience, and experience, I have significant knowledge, good experience, and a notebook with many, many recipes that I tried myself, and I discovered the secret of its success, which is often not announced by most TV presenters or bloggers on websites.

And now it’s time to share and give something to others like me.

In fact, the one who urged me to create this site is my husband, Malak Amar, the owner of the winners site.

He has offered me to create my own website many times, because he believes I have something to offer. How not when he is the one who first and before anyone tastes all the recipes I try for food and desserts.


In fact, this was a reason, but had it not been for me in my heart to feel that I have something to offer you, I would not have established this site, even after a while.